Monday, July 15, 2002 AD Anybody else getting spam re the Hunt book? I got spammed last week by "" (how's that for an oxymoronic e-mail address?) -- on one of my work addresses! They must be looking up every vaguely Christian organization (and "vaguely Christian" describes my organization pretty well) and spamming them. Then Rob Schlapfer of Discerning Reader, evidently broadcast back a refutation of the original spam. I wrote to Rob and suggested that if he feels inclined to do such a thing again, he should include a note that he is merely responding to the mass e-mail and has not joined the spammer ranks himself.
Somebody needs to update Dante with a special level of hell for spammers.
The topic of spam really brings out my gentle and quiet spirit, don'tcha think? Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 7/15/2002 02:28:00 PM
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