O Sovereign Joy that with a sweeter pow’r
Drives out all lesser loves and takes their place
O God, my true Salvation, Wealth and Light
Let all my life be captive to Your grace.
O Sovereign Grace that with a boundless strength
Makes naught of all the work of human hands,
Freely You grant me righteousness by faith
Through Christ my Lord, who met Your laws demands.
O Sovereign Truth that with a doubtless ray
Outshines the dimness of all fainter lights,
Here may I see Your glory and Your grace
Here clearly read Your majesty and might.
O Sovereign God, who with triumphant grace
Breaks all the fetters of my guilt and shame,
O God of mercy, holiness and life,
I now exalt the glory of Your Name.
...to the ridiculous
(Thanks, Dewydd!) Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 7/06/2002 03:34:00 PM
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