Tuesday, November 26, 2002 AD Competitive Women Since half of our covenant group couldn't be there tonight, those of us who still wanted to get together decided to have a game night. There were three sweet, wonderful wives; the husbands of two of them; and me. I noted that the sweet, wonderful wives were much more likely to want to give extra chances, let the rules slide a little bit, and generally not get very intense about winning. I, on the other hand, tend to get very intense about games. I want to strictly enforce the rules, not let anything slide, and play to win. If it's a game I know I'm not good at (anything involving much strategy or physical strength), I don't want to play it. Don't see the point in playing if it's not to win. Of course, being me, I start comparing myself to the sweet, wonderful wives and thinking, "Wow. Competitiveness must be a really bad female trait, because they're not competitive and they're sweet, wonderful wives and I am competitive and I'm not one." Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 11/26/2002 11:28:00 PM
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