Monday, March 17, 2003 AD Earworms "Stuck song syndrome annoyed, frustrated, and irritated women significantly more than men. And earworm attacks were more frequent -- and lasted longer -- for musicians and music lovers. Slightly neurotic people also seemed to suffer more."
No wonder I have this problem so often -- I've got all the risk factors! Well, except I'm highly neurotic, and only slightly musician. ;-D
My most plaguing earworms:
"Sleighride" ("Just hear those sleigh bells jingling...." I've been known to get this stuck in my head for days at a time. Sometimes in July. I consider it the most perniciously catchy tune ever composed.)
Various praise choruses (Usually the ones I hate the most are the worst culprits. Why can't I ever get "Holy, Holy, Holy" or "A Mighty Fortress" stuck in my head?)
Commercial jingles (Happily, none comes immediately to mind, and I don't dare risk tying to think of one).
What are yours?
(Oh, and I beg the forgiveness of anyone who is afflicted with this malady today as a result of this post!) Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 3/17/2003 10:35:00 AM
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