Wednesday, March 12, 2003 AD My Turn for Blood-Spitting I'm having a crown-lengthening procedure done tomorrow morning. They cut away a flap of the gum, grind away a bit of the bone, and sew back the gum so there's more tooth there for the crown to hold onto. Right now I've only got enough for a tiara, I guess. Anyway, it doesn't sound like much fun, but unlike other blood spitters, I don't plan to let this little incident interrupt my blogging one bit. Nosirree...
I will blog boldly on, through the blood, through the pain.
At least while I'm feeling the blest Novocain.
I will blog boldly on, through the spitting and drilling.
Who'da thunk that this blogging could be so darned thrilling? Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 3/12/2003 05:18:00 PM
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