Thursday, October 02, 2003 AD Getting Snoody An online friend mentioned last week that she'd decided to start wearing a hat to church. I've said for a long time that if someone with legitimate authority asked me to wear a headcovering, I'd do so gladly. Well, as the conversation progressed, I realized there really wasn't any reason not to do it now.
I've been wanting to do this for a while, so I've sort of had it all planned out in advance for the time I finally made the decision. I've ordered three of these, which I think will work better for me than hats, since I can never find hats that fit my fat head and don't look perfectly ridiculous on me. I have a pattern if I want to crochet more in other colors, and I have a pretty good collection of scarves and bandanas for variety.
I think the timing's right because I finally no longer feel nail-bitingly neurotic about the whole thing. Not that we should wait to feel comfortable before acting on our convictions, but there are times when acting on a less important conviction such as this might cause one to sin in other ways that are more important. If that makes any sense.... Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 10/02/2003 12:34:00 PM
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