Wednesday, November 05, 2003 AD How Not to Conduct a Bible Study I remember laughing uproariously twenty years ago when a friend did his "how not to conduct a Bible study" schtick. It went something like this:
Teacher: Today we're going to study John 3:16. Now, in this passage, who so loved the world?
(Awkward silence.)
Timid response: Um, God?
Teacher: Right! And whom did God so love?
(Awkward silence.)
Timid response: Um, the world?
And he would proceed excruciatingly through the verse with these basic reading comprehension questions.
Of course it's important to make sure that there is basic comprehension, but for pity's sake find a way to do it that doesn't treat intelligent people like idiots. You will always get long, awkward silences with this sort of approach, as no one likes to be asked the obvious. This causes the whole process to become less of a Bible study and more of a waste of time. Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 11/05/2003 02:16:00 PM
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