Friday, April 23, 2004 AD How the Mighty Have Fallen! Doug Wilson joins the blogosphere with Blog and Mablog (clever title!). Since he wrote a critique of blogging in a recent issue of C/A, one might think Mr. Wilson would eternally eschew the form. But on closer examination of that critique we see he left himself a loophole to slip through. In an entry yesterday (somebody give the man permalinks!), he quotes himself and invites his readers, if they detect "any incipient narcissism or lonely soulism on this web site," to rat him out to his session.
So he really hasn't fallen after all, and I trust that his will be one of the "occasionally interesting" blogs on account of its being written by an "interesting or challenging person." ( DW "interesting" or "challenging"? Discuss.)
Mr. Wilson's critique contributed to my recent hiatus, actually. I know that "incipient" is too kind a word for the level of narcissism and lonely soulism I've poured out on these pages, and I am now endeavoring to avoid such exhibitions. Of course it helps that I've been happy lately, so haven't felt the need to weep all over my keyboard! Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 4/23/2004 04:34:00 PM
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