Tuesday, August 17, 2004 AD Two New Psalters I decided I wanted a copy of The Book of Psalms for Singing, but I was too cheap to pay retail, so I found one on ABE for ten bucks. And since shipping is less per book if you order more than one, I thought it only wise to browse through the dealer's other offerings. I found Psalms and Hymns, an 1843 publication of the PCUSA, also for ten bucks.
It's a nifty little volume, about the dimensions of an index card, but nearly an inch and a half thick. Older hymnals tend to have just the texts, with the meters noted (S.M., L.M., 6s & 8s, etc.), so I'll have to do some work to figure out the best tunes to use. And a hymnal of this vintage isn't likely to be cluttered with revivalist numbers, either. The hymns have a good topical arrangement, and the psalter and the hymnal have separate topical indices. At the back are five pages of doxologies.
Unfortunately, the book's not in very good shape--the spine is split all the way down (just the outer part...the pages themselves seem secure enough), the pages are very spotted, and it's got a pretty musty odor--but I'm happy to have it all the same! Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 8/17/2004 03:11:00 PM
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