Friday, September 24, 2004 AD Commenting System Features I Have Known and Hated I am not a linear person. I don't do just one thing at a time. As a result, the following scenario has happened countless times over the years I've roamed the blogosphere: I'm writing a comment in Sensus Plenior on one blog. I pause in the midst of it and go surfing elsewhere. I open up another blog. I click on a Sensus Plenior comment link in that blog. (Or I read another entry in the same blog and click on another comment link.) SP opens up the comments in the window I've been typing in. I lose half an hour's thought.
Then there are commenting systems that demand a properly formatted e-mail address, and woe betide you if you forget that. I will never, ever, ever post a correctly formatted real e-mail address on a blog comment. You will get either valerie [at] kyriosity [dot] com or So why hassle me, and cause me to lose countless comments, by demanding a properly formatted address when it's going to net you less accurate information than if I'd been able to post my real address safely? Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 9/24/2004 04:05:00 PM
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