Friday, September 24, 2004 AD 'I Am of Paul.' 'I Am of Apollos.' Most folks who talk about this passage apply it to contemporary denominationalism, calling it a Bad Thing. I'm not sure the analogy is quite right. There are significant and non-ignorable doctrinal differences amongst many denominations, whereas I can't think of any evidence that Paul, Apollos, Cephas and Jesus disagreed on doctrinal issues. Even Paul's chewing-out of Peter over the issue of eating with Gentiles wasn't really a docrinal matter, but an issue of practice.
My guess is that the issue in Corinth wasn't a real doctrinal difference but either a) an imagined doctrinal difference, in which the Corinthians were fabricating conflict by pitting non-contradictory teachings against one another, of b) a "cult of personality" problem.
Anybody know anything more about this than I do? Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 9/24/2004 03:02:00 PM
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