Thursday, October 07, 2004 AD Something to Think About 'Til I Get Around to Blogging About My Vacation I recently added The Hidden Art of Homemaking to my Amazon wish list when it was mentioned on somebodyerother's blog. What other books in the domestic genre would you SAHBBEs* recommend? Specifically, I am looking for titles that will be encouraging to me as I try to tame the chaos. I want more theoretical than practical, i.e., more "take dominion over your domicile" or "people should be able to tell that your home is inhabited by a woman rather than a gang of slacker frat boys" and less "10 tips to organizing your kitchen cabinets" or "how to make your whole bathroom sparkle in three minutes flat." And although books written specifically for wives would be OK, if they're so focused on marital roles that they can hardly be applied by a single chick, then I'll probably find them discouraging.
Also, suggestions on the broader topic of femininity would be welcome, with the same caveat. I recently read (skimming more and more as it progressed) a book that purported to be about applying Proverbs 31 as a single woman. Unfortunately, I found the book poorly written and the author's hermeneutical skills sadly lacking. But it made me want to read something better along the same lines.
*stay-at-home bon-bon eaters, of course! ;-) And non-SAHBBEs are welcome to respond, too. Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 10/07/2004 09:15:00 PM
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