Monday, November 01, 2004 AD Communion Reflection 1: 'For the Joy Set Before Him...' When I was out of state a few weeks ago, I worshiped at an OPC congregation about 45 miles from my mom's house. Lemons and Liverspots, they could have a TV ministry: The Hour of Dour! In the meditiation before the Lord's Supper, the pastor solemnly enjoined us to examine ourselves before partaking in a tone that said, "Make yourselves as miserable as possible," and there was a lengthy pause for silent prayer and meditation.
Meanwhile I, who usually struggle not to make myself miserable, was feeling positively giddy. First of all, here I was 400+ miles away from home among total strangers, yet I was still getting to eat at my dear Savior's Table with His beloved brethren. I mean, how cool is that? Second of all, the thought had struck me that for Jesus, "the joy set before Him" for which He endured the cross included getting to serve us and commune with us at that very Table on that very day! And since He was delighting in the occasion, I could delight right along with Him. So amid all these somber faces was mine, grinnin' like a fool! Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 11/01/2004 06:12:00 PM
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