Saturday, December 25, 2004 AD And One More Wilson Family Series Reflection In The Fruit of Her Hands, Nancy Wilson addresses the phenomenon of wives who come to her for counsel. She always asks them first if they've asked their husbands, and second if they've asked their husbands if it's OK for them to seek counsel from her. Those are questions wives would probably be wise to ask themselves, and which women would be wise to ask one another as we tend to counsel one another informally quite a bit in our interactions, particularly online. From time to time, for instance, I see wives asking one another online about whether or not they should wear headcoverings. The answer I always give is, "Go ask your husband. That's rather the point of the issue." A few months ago when RC wrote his "The Other L-Word" squib, women hither and yon were all aflutter with queries about whether they should start calling their husbands "lord." Again, whatareya askin' us for? Send him the squib and ask him what he makes of it. And I can think of quite a few more examples -- some with wives bringing up specific personal marital issues. Not only does Mrs. Wilson's advice make things simpler for the wife with questions ("Oh! I don't have to weigh the various opinions of 23 cybersisters, I can just ask Fred."), it's also a simplifier for those of us who like to give everyone in the world a piece of our minds ("Oh! I don't have to contribute my two cents regarding Susie's problem that's none of my business, I can just encourage her to go ask Fred!"). Of course if Susie has asked Fred, and he's given the green light to seeking the counsel from a given source, then carry on. For instance, one friend responded that she had talked to her husband about the headcovering thing, and he told her to go ahead and do some research on it, so a constructive discussion ensued. Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 12/25/2004 11:52:00 PM
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