Thursday, January 06, 2005 AD Blast From the Past I only very occasionally pop into the Backwater Report, so it was good timing that I did so a couple days ago before this entry fell off the first page. In the summer of 1989 I worked with the woman mentioned therein. Sadly, her foolishness didn't surprise me at all.
I remember that summer getting a letter from a friend in which he told me he'd gotten saved. There was something about the tone of the letter and what I knew about my friend that made me a bit wary of taking his declaration at face value, so I was wrestling with some mixed emotions. I tried to talk about this with Amy, and her only response was a blank, uncomprehending look. The look, I knew, wasn't about my mixed feelings, but about this strange concept of "getting saved." She really hasn't ever understood it. Which raises the question (setting aside for the moment the issue of her being a woman) of why in the world she ever pursued seminary education and a pastoral career.
Another thing about Amy...she was very nice. Practiced "If you can't find something nice to say about someone, then don't say anything at all" better'n anyone else I've ever known. Unfortunately, aside from the Gospel (you know, that "Christ shed his blood for you"/"Jesus died for my sins" Gospel) that's a sure way to damnation for both yourself and the victim of your niceness. As I'm fond of noting, the word nice isn't in the Bible. Amy doesn't seem to have spent much time there, either. Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 1/06/2005 09:57:00 PM
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