Sunday, January 23, 2005 AD I Know Something Google Doesn't And that doesn't happen very often, now does it? Anyway, I recently read about the theory being promoted by some sensationalist "historian" that Abraham Lincoln was a homosexual. The evidence? Lincoln shared a bed with another man. The "historian" is evidently too stupid to realize that in the 19th century this was not uncommon or taboo, and was certainly not a tell-tale sign of hanky-panky. Anyway, that bit of nonsense reminded me of a little ditty I learned from my mother when I was a wee lass, and which she probably learned from her mother, and which Google will hereby learn from me:
Three men in a boarding house bed
"Roll over, roll over, roll over!"
The one in the middle thought he'd play a joke.
He didn't roll over -- he got his neck broke!
Alas, I know not whether that was the extent of the song. And alas for the days when two men could touch without raising the specter of perversion. Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 1/23/2005 08:14:00 AM
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