Saturday, May 07, 2005 AD And What Were You Doing at One A.M.? I was reorganizing my kitchen cabinets. I threw out every yogurt, butter, sour cream, etc. container, some of which I'm sure have been here since before I moved back home in 1991. I pulled out all the stuff I never use and am pretty sure I never will use. I got rid of every lid that was missing a container and every container that was missing a lid. These last two categories will go out in a "yard free" tomorrow, and then what's left to Goodwill. I made sure every container was in the same stack as its matching lid, includinlg the glass ones, which I'm tired of having come crashing down on my head because they're all piled in one heap on a top shelf. Everything is much tidier and better organized, and I feel as if I accomplished something much more important than anything I did at the office today.
Here's a question: How do I destickify old, sticky Tupperware? Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 5/07/2005 01:30:00 AM
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