I think we sing real purdy (it would seem, however, that we cannot type worth diddly!) at CREC. We have a number of folks who are pretty well trained in choral singing, and the rest of the congregation can hang onto their coattails for the ride. I'm a slacker. I should learn the alto parts to more hymns and Psalms, but it's easier to just keep singing soprano. Our contingent of NSA guys (and one gal) is here for the summer, and their harmonizing voices add a wonderful extra oomph to our singing.
Alas, we have no piano for the nonce. The school where we meet had kept a piano in the room we use, but it disappeared without notice two Sundays ago. We just sang a capella the first week, and then someone brought in a keyboaard last week. I confess, I prefer the a capella to the keyboard. We're worshiping and picnicking at the beach tomorrow, so it'll be a capella again. *smile* Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 6/18/2005 02:37:00 PM
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