Monday, June 18, 2007 AD Debbie Maken Nails It If you want to understand the experience of a single woman, this bit from Debbie Maken will help:
Women by their very nature and design instinctively know that they are made for the man. During the Reformation, there was a strain of thought that suggested that women could never have been called to remain single because they were “made for the man,” (I. Cor. 11:9) and because all five characters in the Bible with lifelong celibacy produced singleness were all male. There is a loneliness, a floundering, an unexpressed longing to be whole, that is more acutely felt by women than men remaining single. Single women experience purposelessness....
Or as I am wont to say, a woman without a man isn't like a fish without a bicycle; she's like a man without a job. Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 6/18/2007 06:19:00 PM
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