Valerie is a 42-year-old, single, Reformed Christian lady who lives in Baltimore. She doesn't remember a time
before she knew and loved Jesus, but she does remember accepting John Calvin into her heart in March of 2000.
Valerie is a member of Christ Reformed Evangelical Church in Annapolis.
Though her career aspiration is to be a housewife, Valerie has not yet found anyone suitable who wishes to hire
her for employment in that field (or, more properly, anyone suitable has not found her), so in the meantime she
earns her daily bread working in communications -- editing, writing, print design and website management.
A Rerun
I posted a link to this one a while back, but now that I've figured out the embedding thing (and because I've been tearfully praying this Psalm again in recent hours), I wanted to post it again.
And again, let me recommend Jamie's recordings. This song's from Ascending, which you can get on iTunes as well as from Exodus Provisions and various other distributors. I've had playing in my car for weeks now, and just keep loving it. My chief criterion for music to listen to in the car or around the house is singability -- a tune I can pick up without working too too hard at it, edifying content, and lyrics I can sing without cringing at the poetry. Jamie's recordings have quickly made it to the upper echelon of my preferences.
Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 8:12 AM
• Permalink
Jamie Soles goes to our church's family camp and leads the children's campfire singing. Hearing this makes me think of a bunch of sweet little sticky faces (marshmallows) singing in round. It is such a sweet sound. They are a really nice family.
And so are the owners of Exodus Provisions. They go to our church. It's fun to see these familiar names/faces on your blog all the way across the country. :)
On August 21, 2007 10:24 PMfarmer Tomwrote... I'm still trying to get time to answer your question. I'm posting this between thunderstorms, and if it doesn't disappear into the ether when the electricity blinks you will at least know I'm still trying to get to your question.