Valerie is a 42-year-old, single, Reformed Christian lady who lives in Baltimore. She doesn't remember a time
before she knew and loved Jesus, but she does remember accepting John Calvin into her heart in March of 2000.
Valerie is a member of Christ Reformed Evangelical Church in Annapolis.
Though her career aspiration is to be a housewife, Valerie has not yet found anyone suitable who wishes to hire
her for employment in that field (or, more properly, anyone suitable has not found her), so in the meantime she
earns her daily bread working in communications -- editing, writing, print design and website management.
Even Better
I had enough of the white hangers to use for this closet, too, so I switched them. And pulled out four jackets for Goodwill. And tossed that striped umbrella because I realized it wouldn't open. And filled a 2-bushel laundry basket with hats, gloves, scarves, vacuum cleaner paraphernalia (I got rid of my vacuum cleaner about a decade ago when I ripped out my carpet, and some of those things were from my mom's old vacuum!) and other miscellaneous detritus from that shelf at the top. I sorted and matched and tossed and replaced what remained. I also moved up several rolls of wrapping paper that used to stand on end on the floor. My mom must have made those cubbies at least 30 years ago. They're covered with leftover wallpaper. The last tiny remnant of the old carpet is on the floor. I keep those vestiges of former decorating choices as a reminder of how much worse my house could look! I have to get back to actually doing housework instead of just blogging about it!
Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 11:55 AM
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On October 13, 2007 2:18 PMAbrawrote... I'm fightin' the urge to be completely lazy today! You just made me feel guiltier. Thanks a lot! ;-)