Valerie is a 42-year-old, single, Reformed Christian lady who lives in Baltimore. She doesn't remember a time
before she knew and loved Jesus, but she does remember accepting John Calvin into her heart in March of 2000.
Valerie is a member of Christ Reformed Evangelical Church in Annapolis.
Though her career aspiration is to be a housewife, Valerie has not yet found anyone suitable who wishes to hire
her for employment in that field (or, more properly, anyone suitable has not found her), so in the meantime she
earns her daily bread working in communications -- editing, writing, print design and website management.
Be Loved by the One You're With
Following up on the last post and comments, here's some wisdom from RCJR in a recent Kingdom Note on not just giving love to, but receiving love from your local body. He's speaking of returning back to Mendota, Va., after the annual Ligonier conference in Orlando:
Not only ought we to give our best to the local church, we ought to receive our best there as well. That is, not only should the lion's share of our time and treasure be given to our local church, but we ought in turn also receive the lion's share of our encouragement, joy, and training from the local church. There pastors ought to feed their sheep. There sheep ought to look to be fed. I wish I were magnanimous enough to race home to Saint Peter to give more of myself. Instead I race home because it's home, and home is where my heart is. I race home to be encouraged by David Mehl. I race home to share a belly laugh with Don Kiser. I race home to be called to greater fidelity by Pastor Wayne Hayes. I race home to see Esther MacIntyre's smile. I race home to see what polysyllabic word will flow effortlessly from Mary Schanzenbach's precocious three year old lips. I race home to witness the quiet dignity of little DJ, Benaiah, and Jackson Hammond (6, 4 and 3 years old) as they faithfully walk in their father's bootsteps. I race home to discern, and to feed upon the body, the local body where our Lord has placed me.
Incidentally, there's a whopper of an application here for those of us who are enamored of the Interweb: it can be a useful supplement, but it is no substitute for a local church, for either giving or receiving love.
Posted by Valerie (Kyriosity) at 10:59 AM
• Permalink
On March 27, 2008 9:32 PMLizzywrote... Thanks for your prayers. I guess I should have added a bit of a disclaimer on my cousin's comments. I agree that it was not merely the disease killing him, he was capable of makeing wiser decisions and he didn't. Thanks for your comments!