Valerie is a 42-year-old, single, Reformed Christian lady who lives in Baltimore. She doesn't remember a time
before she knew and loved Jesus, but she does remember accepting John Calvin into her heart in March of 2000.
Valerie is a member of Christ Reformed Evangelical Church in Annapolis.
Though her career aspiration is to be a housewife, Valerie has not yet found anyone suitable who wishes to hire
her for employment in that field (or, more properly, anyone suitable has not found her), so in the meantime she
earns her daily bread working in communications -- editing, writing, print design and website management.
New Year's Resolutions
Besides using the prayer guide (mentioned below), I have two other resolutions this year:
No complaining in my Facebook status. All status updates must express gratitude, blessedness, joy, and the like. This little discipline addresses two birds with one stone: ingratitude and unedifying speech.
Curtail my use of exclamation points and emoticons. Again, an attempt at monolithic biavicide: bad writing and undisciplined emotionalism.
(You knew someone would feel compelled to do that).
On January 4, 2010 10:31 AMAnonymouswrote... At first (between my cheap reading glasses and my old laptop LCD) I misread your "biavicide" as "blavicide," and took that to mean "the killing of unnecessary wordiness," possibly derived somehow from "blather." This seems to me to be an excellent accidental coinage.